Going back to work after time off can often feel like a sluggish task particularly when returning to a disorganised workspace. Studies show that an unattractive work environment can contribute to the reduction of the cognitive capacity you have left to devote to productive tasks. Modernising your workspace is a great way to give your working environment a new lease of life which will contribute significantly to your overall productivity and motivation levels.



What better way of adding life to a space than literally adding life? Bringing nature into the workplace is a great way of creating a calming and uplifting environment. Not only do plants add a point of interest and colour to a room, they also help to improve air quality by removing unwanted toxins. This can help to reduce blood pressure and anxiety levels resulting in better work performance.


Spider plants remove carbon monoxide from the air which creates more oxygen, a method used frequently as a way of reducing stress levels in the workplace. These spire plants also add a modern texture and pop of vibrancy to a room making them a great addition to the office or workspace. Be careful not to overdo it as this could lead to the space looking cluttered which can cause visual overload resulting in you feeling more stressed.

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The great thing about most indoor plants is that they require very low maintenance. You can get away with watering them once every few weeks. Be sure to give the leaves a dusting whilst doing so as this will keep the plant healthy and true to it’s colour. Keep them near natural light for maximum longevity.



Zen style furniture is often characterised by simple design and clear, straight lines and avoids complicated detailing, heavy patterns and bold colours. Such style is typically found in contemporary furniture as opposed to antique or old pieces that tend to be busy and heavy on the eye.


Replacing your furniture with modern pieces will contribute to a more relaxing workspace as well as being more visually aesthetic and comfortable to work in. For instance, you could replace your seating in the breaks room for some modern designer bar stools. Not only will this look visually pleasing but it will also create a more communal atmosphere and space to relax with co-workers in. Studies show that changing your posture during working hours reduces the odds of a long-term injury, so it is important that you invest in furniture that is comfortable as well as contemporary.

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The placing of your furniture is equally as important as the furniture itself. If your space allows, place your furniture so it is facing the entrance or door so you can always see who is coming in or passing by. Not only does this make you more alert, therefore, decreasing your stress levels, but it also means you do no cause injury straining your neck having to turn around.


Invest in Something You Love

You spend as much time in the office as you do in your own home so creating a space that you feel completely comfortable in is important. Splurge on an item that you know will boost your productivity and something that you will treasure. If you like listening to music then why not invest in some good quality speakers that will make you excited to come into work and use. This will increase your productivity as it will make you more excited to return to the office.

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Lighting has a significant impact on productivity with studies showing that having good lighting can improve your performance by 35%. Good lighting can also improve your overall health and happiness within the workplace whilst reducing eye-strain, headaches and fatigue.


It’s important to consider safety when improving your workspace, finding a professional locksmith to secure all the doors and reviewing fire exits and other safety features is something that will give you peace of mind daily. reviewing drainage care, plumbing and building safety is also essential for your staff. Having software for every incident is essential too, data recovery software might help save the business time and money is anything was stolen or corrupted.

Try to incorporate as much natural light within your space as possible as this is the most effective way of increasing your productivity. If this isn’t possible then investing in some blue-enriched light bulbs is said to be a great way of reducing fatigue and increasing your energy levels. It is also a good idea to have a warmed tone lamp on your desk as this promotes calmness and relaxation.