If you’re a small business owner, chances are you want to grow your brand. And if that is the case then you will probably have already considered investing in a website for your business. However, you may have also disregarded having your own website in the same breathe.


So, with that in mind, here are all of the reasons that you may or may not need a website for your business. Hint: there’s a lot more yes than no in this article.



The reasons for yes, you should have a website in 2018 are many. But, for simplicity’s sake, here are a few of the more important ones:



  • It’s What Customers Want


In the age of the internet, your customers expect you to have a website. It’s a simple and unavoidable fact. In 2019, people will likely want to find out more about your business before taking the plunge and converting. If you do not have a business website this can immediately be a red flag in their minds, as it removes the certainty that you are a reputable business.

The only way you could avoid this, for example, would be if you were selling products on a trusted third party website (like Amazon and eBay). Users trust the site and so you don’t necessarily need to instil your own trust factors into this.

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  • A Business Narrative


Having your own website gives your business the ability to do something very special: control its own narrative. The more control you have over your own story and ultimately the message you portray to potential customers. It’s much more in-depth than having a simple Facebook, Instagram or whatever page. You can write more, even visualise your brand story if you prefer.



  • Drives New Revenue


Have you ever considered the fact that a website can drive more money into your business? No, well it certainly can. In fact, for some businesses, the most revenue comes through the web.

The more you build your website, the more revenue it can provide for your business. So, for that reason, it is very important you work towards improving your online revenue. Even if you only do so gradually, over time it can easily become the biggest source of income for your business on the whole.

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  • Your Competitors Have One


It’s true, most of your competitors (to be classed as such) probably have a website. Unless you are in the most unexposed niche business in the world, then having a presence online in some form is likely needed to be considered a competitor. Whether you are a what’s on in Manchester publication or something as simple as a barber, you probably need a website. So, don’t be afraid to get one.



  • 24-7 Access


Having a physical store is all well and good, but it has opening and closing times. You and your business are not accessible at all times. Which, sometimes, is exactly what you need to be in order to be successful. Giving customers a website to find you can remove pesky obstacles like opening times and social convention, as they can visit it at any time of day to suit their needs.

A website gives your business an open day for customers, no matter the time of day. Which is exactly what can set you apart and ensure your gain their custom. Being accessible is a vital part of a business in 2019, so don’t overlook it.

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There’s no reason for your business to have a website. No matter how big/small it is, where it is located or even what language you speak. There is no real excuse for not having a website as a business in 2019. Especially as, all things said and done, it is so easy to create – even if you have no website or coding knowledge! There are plenty of website builders available on the internet to help you along the way and with the right security management system protecting your information, it worthwhile to help with recording data.


Final Thoughts

As a business functioning in 2019, whether you like it or not, you will almost definitely need your own website. And it’s not hard to achieve, even on a small budget! So, get building today and reap the rewards of your very own business website tomorrow.