Wouldn’t it be better if we just let our resumes or CV speak for themselves when job hunting? Well, that’s the question we often ask ourselves when we have to write a cover letter. Then comes the notion that it would probably not be read by the recruiter.

However, a bespoke cover letter is as important as a top-notch CV. Also, more than half of the professionals consider it an essential component of an application. That implies you may need to get yourself expert cover letter writing service when applying for that job you have been eyeing.

Here are some tips to help you craft a choice cover letter:

1. Don’t Regurgitate your Resume

Writing a cover letter, be it an internal cover letter, allows you to tell the prospective employer about who you are. It should be different from your resume. The way to go about this is to pick three essential skills that the employer is looking for and highlight them.

Give specific examples of how you demonstrated those traits. Add value to the cases you have selected by including numbers. If you have little to no experience, then focus on showing transferable skills that you have acquired.

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2. Match the tone of the company

Different rules may apply in each industry and even company. Use the cover letter to show your understanding of the culture of the potential employer. You’ll need to do a little bit of research.

Check their social media and company website. You can go further and observe the tone of their employees online. Incorporate that tone in your cover letter, if they are somewhat informal, give it a professional spin.

3. Show what you are capable of

Hiring managers know that the position would be valuable for you. So, don’t talk about it. Instead, emphasise what you can bring to the company.

Talk about what you can do in the future, not just what you have done in the past. Show the reviewer of the cover letter for project manager that you can deliver on the priorities and essential requirements of the job.

4. Avoid Clichés

For your content to stand out, it has to be personal. Clichéd phrases and buzzwords may cause your letter to be thrown in the rejection pile. For instance, instead of saying that you are a team player, write about a time when you worked in a team.

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Highlight your achievements and explain what happened.

5. Customise it

Many of us have a generic cover letter that we use in our applications. That’s a good thing. The problem comes when you use it as is, for every other job application. You need to tweak your cover letter to match the position you are applying to.

Look at the job listing carefully. Then pick two to three experiences or skills required and give examples of how you demonstrated them. Remember to include the keywords used in the job listing, in your cover letter.

6. Shorten your Anecdotes

Use of examples makes the cover letter, effectual. However, watch out that you don’t include irrelevant or unnecessary information. To avoid wasting valuable space, then expound on your examples in only three sentences.

First, introduce the highlighted skill. Explain a situation where you showed this skill. Ten, talk about the result.

7. Your educational background may not be that important

For new graduates especially, don’t focus too much on your educational background. Your work experience is what matters most to the hiring manager. That includes your internship and volunteer experience also.

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8. Don’t Point out what you Lack

Don’t draw attention to whatever skill, education or experience that you could be missing. Focus on what you have and demonstrate how they make you a suitable candidate for the position.

If you have gaps in your work history though, you can explain your reasons briefly and get back to highlighting your abilities and skills.

9. KISS (Keep it Short and Straighforward)

Be it an online or hardcopy cover letter; it should be a short piece. A cover letter should span a single page and use around 300-350 words. For an email, three or five sentences will do.

10. Consider Testimonials

Use the positive feedback you have amassed to highlight your passion in your area of expertise. Integrate it seamlessly, as evidence.


Confidence in yourself will change the way you write your cover letter. Don’t forget to proofread it, however.