After graduating from high school, one desires to progress for further studies. Before choosing any career path, you should do thorough research on the pros and cons in regards to your ambitions, passions and personal growth. Although at times one may not know what kind of career to pursue, e.g., in the medical field because it is quite diverse.

Although nursing is a career in medicine, most people considered it as a non-factor or less qualified. But the facts remain that they are the backbone of any doctor in the medical field. For a nurse to be employed, he/she is required to create a Nursing portfolio Cover letter which is a tool used to secure jobs. It is not a resume, but it is the supporting documentation of the resume.

For any new applicant to the nursing profession, one is required to use the Nursing Portfolio cover. It helps the nurse to keep track of their professional goals, accomplishments, competencies, and skills attained. Though, it is not as detailed as the Professional nursing portfolio which is for nurses who have experience for a long time.

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Here are some of the reasons to help you decide whether you want to the journey of joining the medical profession:

• Stability

Any career in medicine be it nursing, laboratory technician, physicians or specialist doctors, their job is stable due to high and continuance demand for health care. Also when the economy changes, unlike other fields, the medical profession isn’t as affected by it.

• Teamwork and cooperation

All careers in medicine are interlinked and interdependent. Therefore, effective coordination and collaboration among them is paramount, hence demanding great teamwork.

• Diverse career opportunity/choices

The field of medicine is highly diversified, and one who tends to venture in it would have a variety of options to pick. They range from nursing, specialized doctors, general physicians and even laboratory technicians among others.

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• Impacting people’s lives

Doctors and Nurses tend to impact lives of patients in a very positive way, through counseling, treatment and even diagnosing patients of various background and turning their lives around. It is something you will be doing, every single day that you’ll be on duty.

• Globally recognized field/ traveling opportunity

This is on the field of a career that is known widely. Any person from this field can be employed and work anywhere in the world without any difficulty. It is a universally recognized profession. Also, there are numerous opportunities to travel, especially if you work for a healthcare travel company.

• In demand

Due to increment in population there is a rising demand for universal health care. Hence increasing the demand for doctors and nurses worldwide. You have little to worry about getting a job, upon graduation. In different parts of the country, jobs such as nurses, home health aides, and physicians are in high demand, at present, and in the foreseeable future.

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• Earnings

This field has one of the highest paying careers, i.e., doctor. But their salaries range from medium to the highest because of various technical specialties involved.

• Security

Having a career in medicine means one to have the most extensive job due to experience and competency. As they say, once a doctor always a doctor, this is because of advancement in research and learning new information almost daily.

• Detailed or specificity

Being a nurse or a doctor needs one to have specialized in the said profession and have specific tools for the job.


Serving others as a physician or a nurse is a noble and challenging way to invest your intellect, skills, and passion in a demanding as well as a rewarding profession. It is one of the professional fields that requires sacrifice on time and leisure and needs maximum dedication and commitment to the same.