When it comes to success, everyone wants a piece of the pie. Nobody wishes to look back at their life and realize that it had been nothing short mediocre. Unfortunately, the number of people who have accomplished something big in life is very less. They might often dream of making it big and successful, but it is not really everyone’s cup of tea. This usually happens because you might be following the wrong rules and expecting some other results. A lot of times, you want to first make the decision that you want to be successful in life. But it does not just end there. You have to do a lot more than just think that you want to be successful, there are consistent steps that you need to take to really achieve what you want to, just the way Can Muhammed Karagoz did.

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With his mother passing away when he was just 4 years old, there was very less a child at such an impressionable age could really want from life. This is also the age at which he took up dancing, and then at the age of 6, he had to work as a shoe polisher just to be able to keep his head afloat. It was a tunnel of struggles for Karagoz going on forward, but his courage never wavered. He never had a second pair of anything (shoes, pants, shirts). But he got lucky in discovering that he had a passion for dancing.

Now Karagoz has walked numerous fashions shows, danced in world-class events, and also was nominated for the best model of 2016. He competed in the Ballroom and Latin Dance Sport Championship as a professional level dancer, and he also took up a job as a dance teacher which won him up to 11 awards. He even went on to be featured in a movie called Musical Chairs as a pro Dancer.

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Karagoz’s life is the picture-perfect story of rags to riches. But in all honesty, his success did not come with a quick flick of a wand. It took him a lot of hard work that he committed to doing externally and internally get to where he is right now.

Dreaming big is a severely beaten up and consistently ignored saying, but it is significant nonetheless. A lot of people do not dare to dream big, or sometimes they have the wrong idea of what dreaming big is like. They usually think that dreaming big is opening up a business or being able to pay off bills or something along the same lines. This is not something that successful people do. Successful people believe in their dreams, and follow them with passions in order to see them come true.

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Another trait that successful people identify with is to constantly keep moving. They do not ever stop and rest but instead keep achieving their goals which makes them an inch closer to achieving their dreams. Take Karagoz for example: he has taken part in modeling, dancing, teaching, and even a movie to get to where he is right now.