A lot of people of all age brackets never really bother to learn about the benefits that investing carries. They think saving up their cash is the way to being wealthy when in fact it’s actually just stagnating. Money needs to be exercised in order for it to make gains. Investing in shares, property etc. helps your cash stock increase in value and number.
Thomas Wos is a marketing expert, an author, entrepreneur, investor, online marketer, real estate developer and hotelier. Before becoming the mogul he is today and being this decorated in the workforce, he was just a kid with ambition. Born in Germany 1986, Wos knew he would become the frontrunner in many walks of life and in order to do that, he moved to Switzerland in order to tap into his potential and give life to his career.
Wos was already fascinated by marketing when he was a student. He started his own ad agency to channel his newfound talent in digital marketing. Today, this company is situated in countries across the world and Wos has been deciding to shift the workforce of roughly 60 employees to 100 because of how high the demand is. Thomas Wos provides his marketing consultancy services to all companies that approach him, regardless of their size and popularity.
Apart from being very invested in his digital marketing agency, he was into building a hotel for a long time. The idea of hotels had always appealed to him and there’s no one that can stop a dreamer with vision and hard work. Therefore, he is now making plans to construct his luxury hotel “The Wos”. He aims to make it one of the biggest hotel chains in the world someday and has 3 divisions that focus on all the key appeal factors in the industry.
Aside, from directing The Wos and his swiss marketing firm, Thomas has served as the Chief Operating Officer of “Swiss Marketing System GmbH”.“Swiss Marketing System GmbH” is doing marketing and creating/develop own projects.
Thomas, apart from being involved in so many fields, and amassing a net worth of $200 million – Wos is also very involved in charity. All the projects that he works on, he personally oversees them in order to make sure that the environment is not infringed in a harmful way. Wos wants to be famous so he can make the world a better place to live in for everyone. As of now, he is donating and working meticulously to devoid the ocean of pollution. He has also helped in building schools in West Africa in order to uplift the literacy rate and help those that do not have access to quality education.
The key to remaining rich forever and to reach the success point in your life is to invest, have goals, not rely on one stream of income and make sure that you give as much money to charity as you can.