It often happens that for business success it is enough only one original detail or feature that will allocate it from the total mass of competitors and will create a unique concept. Such an example may be the name of a company. You can read about three US stores with unusual names below. Using car rental in Orlando airport, you can visit dozens of unusual places whenever and wherever you want.

  1. Zombie Apocalypse Store

Shops in Las Vegas can please with a wide variety of goods for every taste, but only in the ‘Zombie Apocalypse Store’ you can buy goods intended for survival in case of natural disasters: earthquake, hurricanes and others. In addition, the assortment of this store consists of everything that can be useful for survival in case of a zombie apocalypse. Here you can buy weapons, which are effective against zombies, protective equipment, a stock of foodstuff and many other things that will come in handy with the onset of the collapse of the existing order of things.

In this small themed store you can buy such things, about which many people do not even know. For example, you can buy for $ 100 a dry ration, which includes 200 servings of different food with a shelf life of 20 years. A filter for water purification “Self Hydrating”, consisting of six self-filling water bags deserves attention as well. You can throw such a bag into any contaminated pond or even in a puddle and after 10-12 hours you can drink clean water. This item will cost you $ 23.97. In case of a radiation emergency, stickers “RADSticker”, which can be purchased in the store for only $ 25, will be useful. With the help of this dosimeter it is possible to determine the degree of radiation exposure.

Zombie Apocalypse Store

In addition, in the store you can buy graphic stickers, mugs, flashlights, knives, hatchets, original electric shockers, as well as cool thematic t-shirts, raincoats, jackets and caps.

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Prices in stores in Las Vegas are very different and depend on the type of store, the manufacturer and the quality of the goods. In this unusual shop, the prices for goods range from $ 1 to $ 116.  According to , they work every day from 10.00 to 19.00.

  1. “The Boring Store”

Constant visitors and residents of Chicago know that the current assortment of this store is the absolute opposite of what is written on the sign. Here they sell everything that super-agents may need. It worked, and now this place is extremely popular among the tourists and local buyers. In fact, the store was created to earn funding for a nonprofit learning center for novice writers, which is located in the same building.

  1. Somethingstore

An unusual store for random goods, which is called ‘Somethingstore’, can be found in New York, USA. The young entrepreneur Samy Bay, inspired by single-price shops, created his own unique trading platform. All goods in the store ‘Somethingstore’ cost the same – $ 10. This idea turned out well and will be popular for a long time. But not a single price is the main feature of this store.

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The main feature is that acquiring a ten-dollar product, the buyer does not know what he or she will eventually get. The choice of the subject of purchase is given to the store itself (or sellers).

Also, there is an online store of this brand. The procedure is as follows. The customer enters the site of the service, enters the page of the order, draws up and pays for the purchase. After that, smart software will choose the goods from the catalog and send it to the buyer’s address. Delivery is free in the US. And only at home, after receiving the order, the buyer will find out what he or she has purchased. It can be a radio-controlled car, a beautiful pendant, sunglasses, perfume, tie, chopsticks or an alarm clock. It could be anything. Someone will get the thing, which suits his or her interests, someone gets a common trinket. But the most important thing is that every ‘Somethingstore’ buyer will get a real surprise.

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All the purchases that were sent to the addressees are placed on the site in the last purchases section. Next to the name of the goods, the name of the city, where the order was sent, is displayed.

The random goods store has been operating since 2006. For this time, tens of thousands of people from all over the world have become its customers. The vast majority of them were satisfied with the purchase. And how can you remain dissatisfied when you get a real surprise. After all, even the most inquisitive mind cannot guess what he or she will receive in the end.

Something From

There stores are a great demonstration of how traditional business can be refined and made truly unique and interesting. You just need to add some element of the game, mystery, entertainment. And satisfied customers will surely spread this idea around the world.