Advertising industry is considered the most profitable after real estate transactions and antiques market. After all, with the rapid growth of goods and services on the market, the need for their promotion is increasing. This way advertising, which is supplied by advertising agencies, companies and private self-employed specialists, is needed.

Advertising business is developing in many areas. The main are public relations, direct marketing, promotion of goods and services, advertising at points of sale, exhibition activities and others.

Are You Planning To Go Into Advertising?

Let’s consider some directions of business, which advertising agencies can offer:

  • development and creation of outdoor advertising;
  • polygraphy;
  • PR;
  • website development;
  • advertising in the media and much more.

The advertising agency should create a “unique” product, which will be suitable for both the customer and the owner of advertising business.

In addition, the advertising agency, providing its services, should:

  • observe certain standards;
  • study particularly and reliably the advertised product, to reveal all its advantages and disadvantages;
  • analyze the product or service market, find potential customers;
  • take into account seasonal and geographical factors.

An important factor in the advertising business is creative and professional staff. Some small advertising agencies have in their state only a couple of employees, who take orders and implement them personally. Such agencies, in general, are engaged in the distribution of advertisements in newspapers and in the Internet. More developed companies may have several areas of their activities, and this, naturally, increases the number of their employees. In addition to full-time employees (designers, sellers, specialists in the promotion and sale of goods on the Internet), they attract freelancers.

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Are You Planning To Go Into Advertising?

Another important factor for successful upturn in the advertising business is the development of a business plan. To do this, it is necessary to carefully study the demand, conduct an analysis of the advertising market and determine the outcome with your trend of activities. This will determine which staff is to be hired, what kind of premises is needed and how much office equipment is needed.

The advertising business includes cooperation with other firms that ensure the functioning of advertising agencies – printing houses, workshops, and mass media companies. The choice of business partners should be approached as carefully as possible, concluding deliberate cooperation agreements.

Like any business, for promotion and development, the advertising business needs advertising as well. Each advertising agency seeks to develop its corporate identity, to make itself known on the Internet and at the media.

If you decided to start an advertising business, then you need to know what types or formats of advertising agencies exist in general, which is right for you and the specifics of the region in which you will work.

Before opening an advertising agency, specify its format for yourself. A competently organized advertising business has chances to gain a client base and pay off in three months. In addition to commercial advertising, there are other types of advertising. For example, political advertising, religious advertising, social. The main leading directions now are Internet advertising (placement of advertising information, promotion of goods and services on the network), outdoor advertising (any visual information that is on external media or structures) and internal advertising. All this is the commercial advertising.

Trackside advertising hoardings at Kilburn station

Advertising only at first seems easy, so if you are far from the advertising business, it is better to hire a professional, who is familiar with the specifics of the work. The place and appearance of the office are practically of no significance. After all, your employees will come to the customers themselves. A convenient way to reach the customer is to hire a car at 14cars.

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Nevertheless, the office is needed. To equip the office you should purchase:

  1. The PC
  2. Printer
  3. Scanner
  4. Copier
  5. Multichannel telephone numbers, the Internet connection and a company network.

Buying the research data, which is necessary for planning, is important in the advertising business as well. This means, mainly, media audience measurements. Researchers are usually done when needed. A full subscription to the media is expensive even for a big agency.

Here is an indicative list of personnel that is needed in the advertising business:

  1. Two designers. One – for creative work (creates a product), the other – for layout.
  2. Two sellers;
  3. Specialist in media buying;
  4. Creator – the expert on creation of concepts of creative products;
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If you are engaged, basically, in creation of firm style and advertising breadboard models, it is expedient to you to work only with freelancers (creation of texts, slogans), hiring even an off-site accountant. Employees, who are having community ties, will provide the firm with a flow of orders. These ties are important even when working with large customers.

The advertising agency can advertise themselves, with the help of souvenirs, banners, and advertising in the media. Sometimes community ties provide unique opportunities for the company. For example, a possibility to place your advertising in an exclusive location. That is why, in this business, success comes to creative, sociable managers, able to attract attention and interest. Important is the ability to think outside the box and create advertising that will make the consumer be fond of the advertised brand and make a second purchase.

Are You Planning To Go Into Advertising?

The main feature of the advertising business is that it can be started without special investment, and it will pay off quickly. It is only necessary to determine correctly the trend and form of activity. You should realize that advertising business is, first of all, the provision of services. In other words, the final product, the advertising itself, must reach the maximum goals, without improvement, must be performed qualitatively and on time, while having reasonable price.