Restless Legs Syndrome or RLS is a neurological disorder that causes sensations or stiffening of the nerves which urges us to move them powerfully; the impulse to move them sometimes become so strong that it can disturb your deep sleep. One of the biggest reasons for this disorder is prolonged sitting.

Heating or cooling methods:

When you experience the above-mentioned symptoms of RLS, it is an amazing idea to apply heating pads or cooling pads mostly around the affected muscle. Once the prime area receives some respite, move on to the surrounding parts with the same method so that the rest is not threatened with pain due to the sudden application of cold.

Reduce smoking and drinking alcohol and caffeine:

Man Sitting Near Brown Table

The best way to not make this situation turn worse is by reducing the intake of tobacco in any form, drinking alcohol or caffeinated drinks. Caffeine can relieve your mind for some time and boost your energy, but that is momentary. Once its effect passes, the aftermaths will only weaken and worsen the situation. Also once you completely stop consuming these categories of edibles, you might notice a positive change with the reduction of pain.

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Daily exercise that develops the endurance of legs:

Woman Using Leg Press Machine

Try and indulge in exercises like running, swimming or jogging on a regular basis so that the endurance power of the leg muscles is improved. At the initial stages, this might prove tiring or even painful, but the passage of time, it will start displaying the effects. Start from the basic level, do not put extreme pressure on the limbs from the very beginning as it can lead to frequent bothering.

Get proper sleep:

Close-Up Photography of Woman Sleeping

Fix rigid boundaries of sleep and get yourself determined to sleep no matter however strong is the urge. Work enough through the day so that you are tired and therefore the resulting sleep in the night will be solid and undisturbed. Maybe drinking a glass of warm milk before going to bed will help you sleep better and longer.

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Massage your legs:


This photo shows the legs of a woman who is sitting on a red pillow on a pastel colored couch. The woman is putting on some lotion on her legs with her hands. She has red toenails. Thew whole setting makes a very relaxing impression.

Another remedy that you can take resort to is daily massaging of your leg muscles with oil. Warming the oil before the application will help in better absorption by the skin providing better and faster relief. Reserve a certain part of the day regularly to dedicate it to this activity. Also, you break free from the time window and use the technique when in a lot of pain.

Take precautions:

Take enough precautions before getting onto long hour flights or meetings. Keep a hot water bag handy or massage the muscles well before getting on board. This will not only help you psychologically to keep the thoughts of the pain at bay but serve as a protective cushion before the hours of the test.
People working in offices or sitting on the ground with some household chores have a bigger chance of developing this. Here are some home remedies that can help you to battle this abnormality; but keep in mind that if the symptoms are severe, you must turn to proper medication. To know more about the Restless Legs Syndrome, click here.