While trying to make their business a success, it’s almost inevitable that an entrepreneur will start to feel stressed. Keeping on top of cash flow, employees, management, dealing with legal services and customer expectations can be truly overwhelming for many. With this in mind, see below some stress-busting strategies for every entrepreneur who’s starting to feel the pressure:



  • Have A Disciplined Routine


Getting yourself into a realistic working routine each day can help you keep things under control. Scheduling time for working out, eating, reading and taking some me-time can be extremely beneficial to an entrepreneur’s mental health. Things like making time to spend with your loved ones is equally as important as making time for meetings and conference calls. Stress can even be one of the biggest causes of hair loss, to avoid having to make a trip to a hair transplant Manchester clinic, try to switch off from work-mode every now and again.

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  • Mobile Phone Apps


There are some amazing apps available that can also help with reducing stress. Pacifica is one of the most popular. It provides users with daily tips and tricks to de-stress, as well as daily activities to take your mind off of work. You can also join the conversation forums to talk about anything you’re struggling with.



  • Digital Detox


When you’re not using your phone for de-stressing apps, take some time away from technology with a digital detox. Being a business owner means that your phone is usually ringing or receiving notifications non-stop – and you can’t help but check it! By turning your phone off, you’re not tempted to quickly take a peak even if you’re with family and friends. Staying away from technology for even the smallest amount of time can reduce stress levels tenfold.

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  • Treat Yourself


Take some time away from everything and treat yourself to a spa day at medical spa. Spoil yourself with a massage or a long, relaxing swim. Little treats every now and then can be a good opportunity to unwind. Take things a step further by going on a spa mini-break if you feel like you need more of a break away from work. Go with a friend or just enjoy spending time in your own company.



  • Regular Breaks


Entrepreneurs can sometimes miss out on the most important experiences of their lives because they’re too busy focusing on their business. Taking regular breaks during your work day will eventually allow you to work more efficiently and productively. Whether this is just heading out instead of staying in at lunchtime or going for an afternoon stroll, there are plenty of ways an entrepreneur can unwind throughout the day.