Finding a perfect career path is easy if you understand what degrees pay off and what you should opt for considering your strengths and talents.

Therefore, before you start, we recommend you to bear in mind that given the high cost of tuition in both public and private institutions, you cannot afford to choose a job that will never truly pay off.

That is why so many young people these days postpone marriage and starting a family: they cannot afford any of that due to the huge student loans they have to deal with.

The Simple Dollar reports that there are ten degrees that can ensure that you will tackle the dangerous burden of a student loan, as finding a job in these areas is possible. Among the recommended degrees are Computer Science, Marketing, Health Care Administration, Finances, and Civil Engineering.

Meanwhile, your worst choices, according to the same source, would be obtaining a degree in Psychology, Fashion, Fine Arts, Hospitality, and Theatre Arts. The author states that getting a job in this area will be hard and the income will not be sufficient both to pay off the loan and start a family.

But do not pick your major based on its profitability alone. You need to take your strengths and weaknesses into account to make the right choice. Otherwise, you are at risk of choosing a profitable niche but failing to make the most out of it due to the lack of talent in the area.

How can you identify your biggest strengths? With a simple aptitude test. We have gathered a list of the best aptitude tests we have found online so that you can choose the one you like the most and give it a try.

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4 Free Aptitude Tests for Students

  1. Career Fitter

This test is claimed to be among the most popular tests since 1998. The goal of this test is to see what work fits your personality better. Besides, it creates your inner portrait and shows how well you can work in a team. It also describes what work environment will be perfect for you based on your strengths and preferred management style. And finally, you get to see what famous people had the same result on this test as you do.

This test consists of 30 questions that look into your personality one inch at a time and try to evaluate what company you should work for.

The test was developed by scientists as an attempt to help young people who are not sure of what career path to pursue. So, if this description is close to what you experience in your life right now, then take this free test to get help in figuring out what major to pursue.

  1. Similar Minds.

Another test to help you figure out what career choices are the best for you is called Similar Minds Career Builder.

This test consists of 55 questions, and when answering them, you need to specify whether the suggested statement is “Very inaccurate” or “Very accurate”.

There is always the risk of answering in a way that you believe is ideal in this case instead of telling the truth. However, such an approach can only ruin things for you.

You will never figure out what professions fit you the most if you answer in a way that is not typical of you. So, when going through this test, make sure to look at yourself from the side and give answers that reflect your current (and not ideal) opinion the best.

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Some of the questions in this test aim to identify your personality while other focus on your professional skills. All this is made in an attempt to look at your personality from different angles and get a better and more realistic image of you and your best career.

  1. Skills Profiler.

This tool aims to identify your skills and traits and match them to the potential job options. Not only you get to understand yourself better and see what exact skills you have that you can use in your future career but you also get a link to a special feature called Employer Locator with the names of the best employers in your area.

Besides, one can even compare the occupations selected for them by the app and the desired positions to see the differences and similarities in skills and qualifications.

And as a bonus feature, with this knowledge, preparing for an interview will no longer be a daunting task. You can write a resume and attach a personalized cover letter with no problems at all, as you will know what qualities and skills you have to work with.

  1. Career Colleges.

A perfect short aptitude test that only consists of 15 questions that aim to identify your inner strengths and qualities that make you stand out of the crowd. When answering them, you shouldn’t be over-thinking them too much, as you will fail to answer correctly. On the contrary, make sure to give answers that first pop up in your head. Such answers are most likely to be “real.”

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Each question has five answer options that go from completely negative to neutral and positive. You need to pick the one that best describes your opinion about certain things. Do not try to look perfect or ideal, as that is not who you are. Finding an ideal career for a person you think is ideal will not help you in your future career search.

Submit your answers and get an extensive description of your work personality and what occupations are your best choices.

Taking an aptitude test is a great idea for students that have doubts about their future career path. You might have too many talents to start with or on the contrary see nothing particular in yourself. Both these approaches hinder your prospects. So, get an objective opinion from an unbiased source and see what your best options are.

Understanding where you should move will help you stay focused on one or two subjects and invest the most of your time and energy in them. And this can be a great way to succeed in your special field. You can read causal argument essay topics to understand what you need.

If you have taken some other aptitude test and you were really satisfied with the results, then don’t hesitate to share it with us in the comments section. Your experience can help many other students, so do share how you came to a clear understanding of what path to choose for your career.