Numerous coaches are struggling to make it work and try to make the jump to the success of the business coaches. Spends a lot of time getting ready.

Many coaches spend a lot of time preparing for the launch. They work on their website, their marketing materials, completing their workout, training and concentrating too much to “get their ducks in a row” instead of going there and start training. This is all a learning curve.

Error # 1: Does not have a coach that can guide them through the process

Especially if you are a new coach, it is very important to work with a coach to help you progress. If you care about not being able to pay for the coach, especially during the first start-up, consider this … how can you expect someone else to pay for your coaching services if you don’t even pay for a coach? Collaboration is the key to success that you can build business relationships, do business together like webinars, seminars, workshops, even become the author of the book, product creation, and help others. Exert too much and not apply what they learn-apply while you learn

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Too many coaches are caught in the “learning phase” where they take all kinds of different online courses that try to sharpen their skills or try to learn more things they can offer their customers, but instead of applying what they learn, when they learn it, they continue to study without applying the things they have learned. The same goes for coaches, who have gone through training, who have learned to be a coach and who also offer services. Don’t choose a particular niche

Error # 2: Do not treat your business as a business

When you start your coaching business, you will need to deal with your business as a business in which you focus on business development and income generation. If you don’t win, if you don’t have someone to train, you don’t have a business, you have a hobby. This applies especially if you are still working full-time; You need to invest the time it takes to develop your business, to be a marketing and networking.

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Error # 3: I think customers will go to them

Just because he opened the door and started offering coaching services that don’t mean customers will fly out the door! Being in business means that you have to do all the things related to running a business, doing bookkeeping, marketing, creating a product, calling, arranging appointments, sending an email, to your training session. Don’t concentrate on building your list-get a clue.

So start building your list!

Being a perfectionist is one of the main challenges facing many coaches because they have tried to get a website, blog, coaching, or pack their products before they release it.