We have all heard the favorite phrase, “power dressing.” And especially for women, this term may raise a debate as to whether it is an obligation that is patriarchal and old fashioned, or it’s merely a liberating experience. But that will be a topic for another day.

Guidelines exist which govern what you can or cannot wear to work. And this once fine line is fading into a gray area. However, the way you dress can have an impact on your path to success.

Though the regulations on dressing by the modern corporate woman have relaxed, it is still complicated to get ready to work. You, still and all, battle with the desire to indulge your fashion ideas and keeping it professional. I bet, to many of you, it is easier to get a proper voicemail recording service than choose what to wear.

The outlined tips below will make it easier to make a decision:

• Assess the Level of Formality of the Office

Well, you may want to be a trendsetter by donning the fashionable attires, but at work, you need to abide by the regulations. There are mainly three categories of in which workplace attire fall into, and it may depend on the position and office dress code. It includes professional business attire.

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Here, the women have to be in uniform with what the men wear. Typically, you will be wearing tailored dresses and suits. In a business casual setting, you can put on dress pants, sweater, and a collared shirt.

My all-time favorite is casual, where you have a vast number of options to choose from. However, for the “casual Fridays” or days where there’s “no dress code,” you still need to be within the casual business range. As for software and other progressive companies, you can wear what you want.

• The Right Way to Shop

Now that you are familiar with the company’s dress code, it’s time to spend your money. Choose clothes that are neutral in color, for a professional business setting. For business casual, you can brighten your wardrobe with some color.

Don’t go for the revealing or tight clothing. You don’t have to opt for the most expensive pieces, but ensure that they are of high quality. After all, it’s what you’ll wear five days a week. It is also an investment that you make in your career.

Don’t repeat outfits in a week, and for a woman, we take notice of this, even when we don’t want to. How you dress is a presentation of who you are, the reason why you should also get best voicemail greeting.

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• Creating an Outfit

Sometimes, you tire of being like everyone else but still need to be within the regulations. When going for a professional business look, choose neutral colors that match. As for business casual, you can opt for big statements. Compliment your outfit with classic accessories.

When you don’t want to put on a skirt but feel like a trouser will be too tight, try on culottes. Put on polished and scuff-free mid-heels that blend with the outfit and a smart jumper.

As for your shoe collection, you can mix flat, high and mid-heels that are smart.

Choose something that you would be comfortable in because nothing is unsightly as a woman in power outfit who wobbles. You will also not be confident, in them.

• The Finished Look

A lot of work goes into creating a unique but excellent voicemail, even a funny voicemail . You can choose to carry a purse or briefcase. Either way, they should coordinate with the color of your outfit. As for jewelry, and we love them, but for the office, you need to double down on what you wear.

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If you have to wear several rings, then, it should be one for each hand. Choose a simple bracelet over multiple ones. The same applies to your choice of necklace; it should be simple.

Your makeup should reflect class, and it is advisable to go for a natural look. You can still accentuate your lips and eyes. Choose a conservative hairstyle that won’t bring unwarranted attention your way.

Trim your nails and stick to clear nail polish. If you yearn for some color, then a subdued one, can do.


Unlike men who only have to worry about their choice of suit and tie, a woman has to consider various elements. From creating a complete outfit using different pieces. Finding the shoes that complement your look, to accessorizing the right way.

For those who work from home, you don’t need all these, unless you want to. Dress in your tee and jeans, couple it with a long cardigan and you are set for the day. Also, it is much easier to accessorize them, if you need to go outdoors, in an instant.