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How To Adapt To A New Workplace: Pitfalls You Should Know About

How To Adapt To A New Workplace: Pitfalls You Should Know About

Starting a new job is exciting. In a study on why new hires fail, by Leadership IQ shows that within 18 months, about 46% of new hires, fail. That means, the excitement of starting a new job can turn a challenge and may even lead to stress.

At such a point in your career, you are put in a rock and hard place where you question yourself, whether it was the right move to leave your last job. It may also cause you to think about the possibility of getting your old job back. And you are probably already looking for federal government resume writing service.

New hires may fail due to many reasons, and contrary to the common belief, it isn’t about their technical skills. To help you develop a solid foundation with a new employer, we will address some of the key pitfalls that new hires need to watch out for:

• Unclear Definition of The Job

Right from the start, you should have a precise definition of what is expected of you. Find out as much as possible about the new role. Though you may find a written description of your duties, employers expect their employees to be flexible.

Do your research on the company you are going to work in, from its leadership to how different departments work together. Learn about the history of the company. Identify its competitors and be up to date with the trends in the industry.

Ask the past and present employees of the company about their experiences, too.

• Underperforming

If you aren’t honest about your skills as detailed in your federal cover letter, you are likely to struggle with the transition. Also, you may not be able to deliver in the new role. You have to give your all in the position you take.

Otherwise, you will set a dark tone for your employment experience. According to the Leadership IQ study, out of the new hires that fail, for 17% of them, they lack the motivation to excel. If you are stuck, ask for help.

When the new role, isn’t challenging enough, you can ask for different projects. Your dedication to learn, when you take a new position will increase your employer’s confidence in you.

• Not Letting Go

When moving between companies that have different managerial cultures, you have to be willing to learn the new way of doing things. Start letting go of your old boss and the management style that you have gotten used to. Your new boss may have new priorities and focus.

Where you one held catch-up meetings that were casual or preferred direct communication, may not be. Find out what’s needed, and adapt accordingly. Down the line, this will help to smoothen your experience in the job, as you transition.

• Accepting Feedback

The most common downfall for new hires is the difficulty in taking feedback. Receiving feedback and implementing it shows that you value the knowledge and experience of your coworkers. If you aren’t getting any feedback, then, it’s important to ask for it.

You also need to train yourself to accept the feedback in stride, even when it’s negative. Managers need to set performance metrics and communicate them to their employees. Providing feedback to employees, helps them to identify areas they need to improve and those they are excelling.

• Mismatched Skill Sets

To avoid confusion about your capabilities, you have to be honest to the federal resume writing service, and on your resume. Not doing so, and exaggerating to put you in a better position, will, in the long run, hurt your credibility.

Provide details about your skills. Lack of clarity may only lead to a loss to you and the company. You, as a new hire and the employers, need to be on the same page, concerning their expectations of you. Otherwise, it may create a rift in your relationship.

Personality Conflicts

Sometimes you may match perfectly on paper with the requirements of the job, but this doesn’t mean that you are the right person for it. The ability to get along with your colleagues will help you last long, in the company. Employers use the interview process to gauge your personality and if you will be able to fit in the office and with colleagues.

• Adjusting

Getting a new job means forming new relationships, and often a different way of doing things. You may even have to learn a new language. You have to be ready to adapt to this new system. Though you would execute your duties in the previous company, naturally, it is time to learn the different way of doing things.


When a new job doesn’t work out, it becomes costly to the employee and employer. Learn about the pitfalls to expect and how to overcome them, to help you with the transition.

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