Globally, the real estate market showed an improvement in 2018, however, in the US, that is really not the case. Far from hopeless, real estate professionals agree that 2019 is an important year for residential and commercial real estate agents and the direction real estate will take going forward. Although current statistics and trends show that the number of competitors in the real estate market is lower, the quantity of competitors is increasing. Finding new leads and converting them to clients is now by far the most critical aspect of the real estate business. Marketing agencies, bloggers and email providers are all now somewhat hampered by the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rules. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) prohibits autodialers or robocalls to call any mobile line. They are only allowed to reach landlines. With these restrictions come the advent of the ringless voicemail drops.

What is a Ringless Voicemail (RVM)?

An RVM allows you to leave a message for number without actually calling the number. It does so without disturbing them thus it is a very nonintrusive way to leave a message. The message appears in their voice mailbox for them to read at their convenience. This is an excellent tool for leaving an effective message consistent with your marketing campaign.

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How Can Ringless Voicemail Technology Boost Your Real Estate Company?

    1. Accelerating the conversion of leads to clients (generates leads). By using messages, you can introduce yourself and your company in a friendly and professional way that will leave a good impression. If crafted properly, the message will give the recipient a reason to call back.
    2. Reducing overhead. The cost of RVM is pennies, depending on the quantity you want to send. Companies offer pricing structures that will work for any size company.
  • Managing complaints and having quick response times. Using RVM to follow up on open actions can help with problems that often arise from miscommunication. Also, it can be used to effectively and quickly diffuse difficult situations by addressing issues in a more timely manner than playing phone tag.
  • Enhanced customer service. You can be proactive when dealing with customer service issues and you can also use RVM as the all-important follow-up.
  • Ability to deliver mass communications about products, offerings, events, etc. Ringless voicemails can be extremely effective as a marketing outreach tool as you are striving to find new leads. It is a simple process of uploading your contact list (phone numbers), preparing an effective marketing message, scheduling when you want the “campaign” to start and stop, and then send. With this technology, you can also measure your return or open rate.
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Reasons Why Real Estate Businesses Should Love Ringless Voicemails

Nonintrusive: Instead of possibly angering someone with an uninvited call at a bad time, RMV drops the message into their voicemail quietly so the recipient can listen at their convenience.

Gets attention: They will only be listening to your voicemail at the time it is played back, and is not competing with flyers, emails, and other forms of marketing collateral.

Reaches a lot of people simultaneously:  As an outbound marketing campaign, the number of people you reach out to is only limited by the number of contacts you choose to upload. It is possible to reach up to thousands of people by merely clicking send.

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Easy to use: RVM marketing campaigns are generally easy to set up. Once you have your script, it’s just a matter of recording it, uploading your contact list and pressing send.

It’s affordable: Campaigns can start as low at $0.02 per drop.

High response rate: RVM has an “open rate” of 92 percent, the highest in the outbound marketing business. Text messaging ranks second with an 81 percent open rate.

Ringless Voicemail is effective is done properly. It should be integrated as part of a larger marketing strategy. It must have a high-quality contact list. You must have good messages that are personal, informative and written to elicit a return call. Keeping these things in mind, real estate companies can surely benefit from the rising popularity of this technology.