Health and safety regulations are strict in the UK, and personal protective equipment (PPE) is commonly issued by many employers to keep their employees safe. But accidents still happen every year. And burns are some of the most common workplace accidents.

Being a victim of burn injuries can result in some of the most catastrophic and unimaginable consequences. Survivors of burn injuries suffer unimaginably as their scars heal, but psychological and emotional scars might remain with them the rest of their lives.

According to experts in work injury claims in Gloucester, this is when you need an experienced lawyer who understands what your family is going through. You need a lawyer who will fight aggressively to protect your rights and obtain compensation for your injuries.

Why are burn injuries at work so catastrophic?

Burn injuries at work are some of the most painful injuries a person can have and often require long-term care. Melting skin and nerve damage can leave a person injured and traumatised for life. The mental anguish and suffering of a burn is heartbreaking. Many of the burns are unsightly and require cosmetic surgery over a prolonged period of time.

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If you have suffered a burn injury at your job, you should be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, designed to cover lost wages for victims who suffer injuries at work. Sometimes there is a third party involved whose negligence caused the accident. This could be the result of defective equipment, safety regulations, or an act of negligence that caused the fire or explosion. If a third party is responsible, you may be able to pursue a civil lawsuit and recover damages for your injuries.

Why do I need a lawyer if I suffered a burn injury at work?

Often, employers refuse to pay (immediately). An experienced lawyer can help you ensure all appropriate documents are filed and done so in a timely manner. They can also conduct a thorough investigation to see if a third party caused the burn. Having a lawyer will help speed up your claim so you can focus on recovery.

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What type of damages can I be awarded in a third party civil lawsuit?

It is important to keep in mind that each case is different and is treated individually. However, the nature of burn injuries generally dictates extensive medical treatment. Some of the most commonly awarded damages in those types of cases include:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Treatment and long-term care
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of ability to earn money
  • Compensation for disfigurement
  • Pain and suffering

The award of damages for pain and suffering is reserved for more extreme cases where negligence or bad intention can be proven. Normally it is adjudicated to prevent such actions in the future and as a form of punishment for the culprit.

What type of burn injuries can I make a claim for?

The type of injuries you suffered and the circumstances surrounding your case usually indicate where the responsibility lies. It is always better to look for an experienced lawyer and see what your options are. Some of the injuries seen most often include:

  • Smoke inhalation
  • Electric burns
  • Chemical burns
  • Thermal burns
  • Radiation burns, such as ultraviolet light or X-rays
  • Explosions due to a defect in equipment
  • Defective parts and products
  • Bad maintenance of machines or parts
  • Fire
  • Burns caused by restaurant equipment in the kitchen
  • Car accidents involving a fuel tank explosion
  • Explosions of gases as a result of a code violation
  • Scalding after exposure to hot water
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There are more, but these are just some of the most common. If you have been the victim of a burn injury at work, you should seek expert legal advice immediately and establish if you can file a claim for compensation for burns because of a workplace accident.